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Importance of Vedic Scienccce in Our Lives

India is one of the oldest civilizations known for its rich and diverse heritage, culture, philosophy, scientific accomplishments, trade, and commerce for over 1000s of years. With some of the oldest universities like Nalanda and Taxila,
India has always been at the forefront of education. Our nation has had its fundamental educational methodology that was firmly rooted in the scientific tenets of rigorous analysis, logic, and experiential learning. Unfortunately, India was
raided and occupied repeatedly, and the successive foreign rules gradually pushed the ancient knowledge in the background. The ancient knowledge and wisdom were purposefully forgotten and relegated to the backburner to propel modern and
western expertise.

What is Vedic Science?

But clouds can cover the sun only for the time being. In the end, the sun comes out blazing and lights up the whole world. Similarly, our timeless indigenous knowledge may have been eclipsed by vested interests. Still, the time has come
when we will be able to re-discover the Vedic science once again in its true glory. The word Vedic implies that which is contained in or derived from the massive body of data compiled within the four ancients Vedas, viz. Rigveda, Yajurveda,
Atharvaveda, and Samveda, which alongside the Upanishads, Aranyakas and Brahmanas form the category of texts called Shruti and form the nucleus of all knowledge. Veda itself springs from the Sanskrit word Vid, which suggests “to know.” Like
the sun rises every day without fail, this is often considered timeless and relevant for all eras. Vedangas, Upangas, Upvedas, Darshanas, Puranas, various Smrutis, Shastras, and Itihasas are samples of this. This unique knowledge culture
has accommodated a distinctive sort of regional indigenous disciplines over time.

Ayurveda, Yoga, and Vedanta are the three hottest fruits of the Vedic system that are highly valued today. At their base lies a firm theoretical foundation of the in-depth, holistic study of nature, human psychology and of data itself, its
means (observation), methods (logic and language), and validation (experimentation). The large body of Vedic knowledge typically comprises eternal truths and natural laws and, therefore, the sustainable practices and rituals derived from
them. During this context, the word Indic (related to India) is employed interchangeably with Vedic (ancient knowledge developed within the Indian subcontinent). This spectrum of data called as Vedic Sciences holistically covers a variety
of new disciplines including chemistry, metallurgy, technology, astronomy, astrology, botany, ecology, philosophy, psychology, language, mathematics, economics, architecture, agriculture, medicine, administration, and humanities.

Moreover, aside from a couple of reputed colleges, a bachelor’s degree is becoming practically irrelevant in employability. This system also doesn’t encourage independent thinking and sensible application of data. Explicit attention is
required in improving analytical abilities even as character development. Education in Vedic sciences can deal with the above gap effectively through holistic thinking and action.

Why is Vedic Science important?

The mainstream education system in India has ignored the Indic dimension of imparting education. It’s time that this vital knowledge is revived. It must be passed to subsequent generations. The time is ripe for reintroducing Vedic knowledge
among the youth since the macro-level interest in sustainable Indic practices is increasing globally. Also, the main target at the individual level among the youth is additionally slowly shifting from a merely economic viewpoint to a more
balanced socio-spiritual-environmental perspective.

It will be instrumental in the following ways

1. A solid foundation: People around the world are now mindful of the very fact the modern-day medicine has severe limitations. They merely work on the symptoms and fail to deal with the basis explanation for an ailment. Therefore, the people
are trying to find an alternative holistic approach to reinforce modern science in pursuing wellness at the physical and mental levels. This is the rationale behind the rising popularity of Yoga and Ayurveda. There’ll be a growing demand
for practitioners, consultants, and researchers in these areas. A solid foundation in Vedic sciences may be a prerequisite to excel in these fields.

2. Indic knowledge is a goldmine: Computing technology is powerful enough to enable codification and mining of India’s rich knowledge domain (5 million manuscripts known to date). The precise knowledge of explaining methods adopted in Indic
texts more amenable to machine-processing than English texts. Big data analytics, data mining, and scale-out computing are valuable tools for this. Studying the way to apply them for encoding, mining, and visualizing the Vedic knowledge
domain will directly yield professional experience in both fields.

3. Complement modern science for innovation: The Vedic methodology offers a different perspective and data points that expand the horizons of the students remarkably. Some examples are – more reliable cures for contemporary illnesses,
eco-friendly metallurgical and agricultural methods, and unique insights into the social organization, leadership, and conflict management. These areas open new vistas for entrepreneurship also as multi-disciplinary research.


Tips for wealth

Money is perhaps the most essential aspect in our lives. Financial constraints can bring a lot of stress and keep you in a state of bother. Vastu tips for wealth helps you to keep your finances flowing smoothly. It also prevents money from
being limited due to any reason. It can help a dull business which is into losses, by bringing back profits and yielding wealth. If the right Vastu principles are followed, it will help achieve and maintain peace and prosperity at home. The
following are very favourable Vastu tips for wealth and success in all commercial endeavours.

Main Door:

The main door is considered to be the place which allows prosperity inside your house. So, there should be no shoes or slippers dispersed around the main door of the house. There should be a good amount of space at the main door, thus,
allowing it to be free and clear. The energy that rides with the wind will be tainted with the dirt and smell of shoes and slippers. Entering your house with such negative influences will cause losses.


Always open your bedroom windows for at least 20 minutes a day to allow fresh air to come in. If not, you will be sleeping with stale energy every night. This is detrimental for peace and prosperity.

Safe Locker:

The money safe of the house should be placed in the southwest corner of the building.


Clocks inside your house should be in a working condition. If not, fix them or give them away. Your finances stagnate when you have clocks that do not work. Slow clocks indicate that you are behind your due date always.

Vastu Tips for Keeping the House Clean.. The cleaning devices such as the brooms and mops should be kept out of sight and preferably upside down. This will safeguard the family’s source of revenue from being removed away. Sweeping the floor
should be done towards the inside of the house. Never direct your cleaning actions towards the main door. This will cause a reduction in wealth. Rubbish bins should have covers. Keep them covered all the time. Avoid garbage cans, which are
perforated on the sides. Wealth energy gets corrupted otherwise. A clear desk encourages clear thinking. It also helps boost monetary energy and creativity.

Only the computer, phone and current paperwork should be used over the desk. Anything else has to be considered carefully. Vastu Tips for Maintaining the Restroom: Make sure that the taps in your bathroom or kitchen do not drip. The
constant dripping creates negative energy. Dripping taps signify leaking wealth. Blocked plumbing species blocked financial energy somewhere in the resident’s life. Clean up all your drains and ensure proper outflow of wastewater. Do not
locate toilets above the main entrance. They generate negative energy, which will interfere with the positive energy entering through the main door.

Rituals & Practises
Signifiane of Havan (Homam)

Hinduism- the oldest living religion in the world- strongly believes in eradicating inner as well as outer imperfections by destroying undesirable elements and enriching positive energies in the environment. To attain the goal of energizing
and protecting the inner self and environment, Hinduism has given a significant place to havan/ homam, which is said to be created by Lord Brahma for man’s livelihood & the attainment of his desires. Havan is a sacred purifying ritual
performed by Hindu pundits in temples, homes and working places by involving a sacred fire, Agni God because Hinduism is well aware of the fact that the Sun is the main source of energy and a fire is a representation of the Sun’s energy. As
per ancient Hindu texts on havans, any offering to Fire (Agni God) is actually an offering to the Sun. Offerings such as ghee, rice, dry fruits, honey, herbs, wood etc are offered to the sacred fire while reciting Sanskrit mantras.

Scientific Experiments
with Agnihotra

Agnihotra Effect on Bacterial Population: A preliminary experiment was carried out to study the effect of Agnihotra on the bacterial population in a room where Agnihotra was performed. For this study, two rooms of equal dimensions (13ΒΌ’ x
8′ x 11′) were selected. In both rooms fire was prepared from dried cowdung cakes in copper pyramids and the basal reading of number of microorganisms in both the rooms was taken by exposing blood agar plates at four corners of the room for
10 minutes. This was done exactly half an hour before Agnihotra time. Agnihotra was performed exactly at sunset in one of the rooms. Bacterial counts were taken again in both the rooms in a similar manner at half hour intervals. Thus
readings were taken in both the rooms up to two hours after performance of Agnihotra. It was quite interesting to note that microbial counts in the room where Agnihotra was performed were reduced by 91.4% whereas the room where only fire
was generated did not show appreciable changes in the microbial counts. This leads one to think that it was the process of Agnihotra which was responsible for the reduction of bacterial counts and not the mere presence of Fire.

Two other similar experiments revealed similar findings. The phenomenon could be explained by giving two reasons: –

(a) Agnihotra fumes are rich in formaldehyde and other substances which have inhibitory effect on microorganisms.
(b) A phenomenon like smog formation and its diffusion in the upper strata might be a likely postulation.

In the regions of North and South poles, many times, carbon particles accumulate to form a layer called “smog”. When fire is lit the hot currents push the smog into the upper strata and it is diffused in such a way that the carbon particles
are no longer harmful in the residual concentration. In the present study perhaps Agnihotra fumes might have dissociated the microorganisms in such a way that the residual population was no more harmful and was well within tolerable limit
to human beings.

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