Vaisakhi, also known as Baisakhi, stands as a vibrant celebration deeply rooted in Indian culture, especially revered in the northern regions. It holds rich historical and religious significance...
“SPEAKING TO BRIDGE MAGAZINE, Dr. Vasudev Patel said “there are about 12 plus individual Gujarat associations, Saurashtra Saurashtra Patidar association...
Long ago in a forest, there lived a lion. He was the King of the jungle. Now, his Prime Minister, the jackal was getting old and the time had come for him to...
Silambam is a popular type of fencing in Tamil Nadu. Fencing was endorsed very well in the state during the reign of the Pandya kings. The Silamabam weapons...
Namaste’ or ‘namaskar’ is the Bharatiya way of greeting each other. Wherever they are – on the street, in the house, in public...