Vaisakhi, also known as Baisakhi, stands as a vibrant celebration deeply rooted in Indian culture, especially revered in the northern regions. It...
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Lord Rama and his army of monkeys were preparing for war with Ravana. Rama asked his army to build a bridge over the sea, to reach Lanka ( to get his...
April 2024 09 Gudi Padwa Gudi Padwa, heralding Hindu New Year, symbolizes renewal and prosperity. Celebrated with traditional Gudis, rangoli, and...
There is a lot of talk about “detachment” these days essentially because there is fear of involvement with life. Actually, the fear is...
There is nothing like a good filter coffee to give you a start in the morning, but you’d be amazed to know that the South Indian coffee that so...
The king of the owls accompanied by his soldiers used to hunt crows during the night. Soon thousands of crows were killed and eaten up by the owls...
Once upon a time a village was devastated by a strong earthquake. Damaged houses and roads could be seen everywhere. The village was, as a matter of...
Karma This path, the jnana marga or path of knowledge, is not the only means to attain ultimate salvation. Indeed, Hinduism very much holds that...
A Festival of Cultural Significance and Spiritual Renewal Makara Sankranti, a vibrant and joyous Hindu festival, resonates deeply with the cultural...
Dear Esteemed Readers, Greetings and a warm welcome to this exceptional edition of Bridge Magazine. Within these pages, we invite you to embark on a...